Sedation Dentistry 

Making your dental visit more comfortable

We know that many people are fearful of dental procedures and experience anxiety before and during their dental visit. To make your visit more enjoyable and relaxing, many AFFORDABLE DENTURES® practices now offer conscious sedation.

Under conscious sedation, you’ll be able to hear, see and respond to the action taking place around you in the dental office, but you are much less likely to experience anxiety from it. This also reduces your sense of pain.

There are three kinds of conscious sedation used in dentistry:

  • Oral sedation
  • Inhalation sedation
  • IV sedation

All Affordable Dentures-affiliated practices that offer sedation dentistry have a fully trained and certified staff, as required by their state dental regulations. Your dentist will work with you to determine which method is the safest choice for you.

Oral Sedation

Advantages of oral sedation:

  • Easy to administer; just swallow a small pill
  • Works well for most people

Disadvantages of oral sedation:

  • The level of sedation is not easily changed
  • Someone must drive you to and from your dental appointment

How does oral sedation work?

The dentist will prescribe a pill to take an hour before your scheduled dental visit. You must have someone drive you to and from your appointment. When you arrive at the dental office, you will be awake and feeling drowsy and relaxed.

While in the treatment area, the dental staff will monitor your vital signs throughout your appointment. Oral sedatives have no pain-relieving qualities, so local anesthetics are used to prevent pain. Because you are so relaxed, and because of the use of painless injection techniques, you will probably not remember when your mouth was actually being "numbed."

When your treatment is completed, your friend or relative will drive you home. When you are fully awake, you will feel comfortable, relaxed and free from stress. You will probably remember very little about your dental appointment. You should not operate a motor vehicle for 24 hours after receiving oral sedation.